Friday, October 24, 2008

I think I squished the baby :-)

Okay, I probably didn't actually squish it while rowing or during crunches -- I think I'm starting to feel movement in there, and it kept giving me pause during today's workout. (It feels like intermittent pressure, or sometimes like a muscle twinge, but right in the the spot where the wee offspring resides...)

So, I've been looking at but not really doing crossfit for pregnancy workouts. Most of the WODs (workout of the day) involve circuits between rowing/treadmill and weights. At my gym, the cardio equipment is on a whole separate floor from the weights, so it's not that convenient for circuits.

Today, though, the prescription was better suited, so I used it as my starting point. The prescribed WOD:

Row 500m then:
Good mornings #45

Here is what *I* did:

Row 1000m (4:50 min), then:
Lunges #25
Good mornings #30 (first set), #35 (next 2 sets)*

And then:
Lat pulls #60
Crunches on the ball

Followed by:
V-sit ball toss (3 or 4 kg ball) x 60
750m row (3:40 min)

* I'd never done good mornings before, so I started light. I think I would be able to do 45 lb easily next time. Fun exercise!

Weigh-in: 138!

I meant to go for a run yesterday afternoon, but after a long afternoon walking around the market, I was pooped when I got home, and ended up spending more than 2 hours lying down! (reading for a bit; mostly sleeping). I've been sleeping like crap lately, so the extra rest felt good.

Starting in November, I'm going to try to get to the gym or out for a run 4 times a week instead of three. Now that I've written it down, I'll have no choice!

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