Saturday, May 19, 2012

Easing back into it

Well. Life got in the way there for a couple of weeks. Between work, keeping the house in order, appointments, and a vacation to Maine, I didn't get a chance to exercise much at all. Barely even walked! (Even rainy weather kept us from walking to school all the time.) While in Maine, I did do a fair amount of walking: my sister and I would trail the boys down the street as they enjoyed their bike or buggy rides. (My nephew has a kid-sized four-wheeler from Grandpa, and is a pro driver.)

Yesterday I found myself back at home, and despite having plenty to do (clean the house, prep for my sweetie's birthday), after walking Tim to school I managed a very simple and low-intensity workout that also checked a chore off the list: I mowed the lawn.

I love lawn-mowing. (Or as Tim says, "mow-lawning".)

Today, McPie and I took Tim for a stroller run. Or should I say "run". It was pretty slow, and involved quite a lot of walking. A few observations on jogging at 24 weeks pregnant:
  • Putting on a bit of speed (and I mean "a bit"), or jogging downhill causes a contraction.
  • At 24 week-gravid uterus is a pretty big muscle, and its contraction is a bit too uncomfortable to run through.
  • Running uphill is actually more comfortable and less likely to cause a contraction than flat or downhill (but my speed slow enough that running uphill isn't too difficult!)
  • Running slowly while not enduring a contraction feels pretty normal, good even.
  • My aerobic capacity seems fairly normal/as expected, at a low speed, anyway. That is, I can chat easily and am not really out of breath at all. The low-gear is only necessary for keeping the belly in order (not fitness related).
So, we had to walk a lot. I'd say I spent 1/3 to 1/2 of the "run" actually walking. (Dad took these opportunities -- usually on the downhills -- to take Tim for a speedy spin.) But it was 45 minutes of steady cardio, and I felt good afterward.

Upcoming: This week I have my first appointment with my midwife, and therefore the 24 week weigh-in. :-)

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