Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lowering expectations

I hit the wall on the weekend, and consequently lowered my expectations about how much energy I have available to spend each day.

Last Friday, I did the usual 2 km jog, 2 km walk + hour of tennis. However, between the drop-off and pick-up, I subbed sitting with my feet up for a workout. I got through the day, but on Saturday I slept in unti l0:30 am (thanks McPie!), and STILL had an hour and a half nap that afternoon.

So, as I head toward third trimester territory, I'm rationing my resourcing to prioritize basic living. That said, I've started the week with a couple of simple workouts, just to keep my muscles from atrophying.


The usual jog 2 km/walk 2km + tennis.

Squat 45# x 20, 95# x 10, 10, 10
Press 45# x 10
Bent-over row 30#/arm (alternating) x 10, 10, 10
Squat 45# x 15
Press 45# x 10

The usual jog 2 km/walk to school.
Mile run: on a whim, I timed it. 10:35 minutes! And I had to run through a cramp! (The running kind, not the pregnant kind.)

Walk to the mall and back (2 km) to sign some mortgage-related papers. (Yay!)

Now off for the 2 km tennis walk!

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